Capaul, Roman / Seitz, Hans / Keller, Martin / Binneweg, Jay (Übersetzung)

School Management, Leadership and Improvement

Theoretical Foundations and Recommendations for Practice
  • The great handbook for school management
ISBN: 978-3-258-44158-0

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Roman Capaul, Hans Seitz and Martin Keller have developed their own school management model based on their many years of experience in the training of school management members and on the basis of the St. Gallen management model. Their work shows the reader fundamental connections, answers the central questions of school management and school development and contains numerous practical recommendations for action for everyday school management.

4th edition 2020
645 Seiten, 138 Abb., 96 Tab.
Haupt Verlag
CHF 100.00 (UVP) / EUR 109.99